
    Hon’ble Mr.Justice P.B. Balaji

    Hon'ble Mr.Justice P.B. Balaji
    • Designation: Administrative Judge

    Mr.Pillaipakkam Bahukutumbi Balaji was born on 11.04.1973, completed his Law degree in the year 1995 and enrolled as an Advocate in the Bar Council of Tamilnadu on 27.03.1996. Joined his father’s office, Mr.P.B.Ramanujam, Advocate & Notary Public, right after enrolment and assisted in office cases and started handling all matters and thereafter started managing the office. Developed drafting and conveyancing skills alongside litigation practice and well versed in documentation viz., drafting of sale, partition, release, settlement, partnership deeds, joint venture and constructions agreements, Wills etc.

    Over the last 26 years of active practice, appeared and conducted a variety of cases ranging from suits, appeals, writs, testamentary matters, rent, consumer, matrimonial, arbitration and company matters across various courts, right from the Small Causes to the High Court. He was included in the Editorial Committee of CTC, a leading law journal in 2004 and later became and continue till date, an Associate Editor of the CTC Group of Journals that brings out six weekly journals, viz., Current Tamil Nadu Cases, Current Writ Cases, Madras Weekly Notes (Civil), Madras Weekly Notes (Criminal), Labour Law Journal and Tamil Nadu Motor Accidents Cases.

    Authored the book – The Law of Specific Performance – A handbook, First Edition 2020.

    Authored the book with detailed commentaries on the new Rent Act that has been promulgated in Tamil Nadu – Commentaries on The Tamil Nadu Regulation of Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants Act, 2017, First Edition 2021 & Second Edition 2023.

    Authored the book ‘Law of Wills – A Handbook”, 1st Edition 2022.

    Authored the book ‘Laws of Intestate Succession – A Handbook’, 1st Edition, 2022.

    Co-authored the book, The Tamil Nadu Buildings (Lease and Rent Control Act, 1960 as amended by Act 23 of 1973, a treatise on the Rent Control legislation in the State of Tamil Nadu. (Last 2 editions)

    A regular resource person at the Tamil Nadu Judicial Academy, which regularly trains newly appointed/recruited judges and given lectures on subjects touching Rent Law and CPC.

    Have been appointed as Amicus Curiae by the Madras High Court on two occasions –

    1) in one matter where the propriety of an advocate filing a Vakalathnama and appearing for his close relative was debated and decided (reported in 2019 (1) CTC 736) and

    2) in a Second Appeal where the effect of a new legislation coming into force and its effect on a pending suit was examined. (SA No.100 and 101 of 2014, judgment dated 25.11.2019, Mandhirikodi v. Balaraman and another, 2020(4) CTC 659)

    3) Argued a revision before the High Court regarding maintainability of eviction actions under the new rent legislation without the tenancy agreements being registered (judgment reported in 2019(6) CTC 9) which judgment paved the way for filing and numbering of eviction applications under the new Act all over the State of Tamil Nadu, clearing a stalemate created because of the interpretation sought to be given before the said decision.

    4) Also argued a batch of revision petitions before the Madras High Court, judgment reported in 2022-2-CTC-291 = 2022-1-LW-752 where the prevailing confusion over the new rent law, its applicability etc. was clarified.

    Contributed several articles for leading English dailies like The Hindu and Times of India on subjects touching real estate, property, Wills, tenancy etc.

    Has given several webinars during the lockdowns on subjects ranging from Wills, Rent Act, summary suits and specific performance, conveyancing in realty matters etc.

    Son of Mr.P.B.Ramanujam, Advocate who has a rich experience of 60 years in the bar, having enrolled in 1962. (now aged 82 years and not in active practice).

    Married to Lakshmi Balaji, a qualified Accountant Technician (Certificate issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) and currently a homemaker

    Blessed with 2 daughters, First daughter, Adhithi Balaji, who is in her 3rd year of college and second daughter, Avanti Balaji, is in Class XI.